A complete details about autoftpbackup can be found from -- http://wiki.solusvm.com/Automated_Backups
Admincp >> Nodes > List > Manage Node (On the Node you wish to backup) > Auto FTP Backup.
Under FTP Server Settings
Profile --> make it default
IP or Hostname --> FTP server ip
Username --> FTP user name
Password --> FTP user password
Port --> FTP server port, usually port 21
Passive --> leave it as it is.
Directory --> / is default
Under Backup Settings
Enabled --> Turn backup ON or OFF
Frequency --> Run the backup every day, week or month
Run Time --> 00-23 hours, 00-59 mins
Day --> Only required for weekly
Day of Month --> Only required for monthly
Rotation --> How many backups per vps you want to keep
Ionice Priority --> 0: High - 7: Low. Default is 4
Ionice Class --> 1: realtime, 2: best-effort, 3: idle. Default is 2
Nice --> Niceness range from -20 to 19 (least favorable). Default is 19
Xen HVM/KVM Compression Type --> bzip2 or pbzip2
pbzip2 Threads (Xen/KVM) --> 1
OpenVZ Backup Type --> Online
KVM/Xen Backup Type --> Online
OpenVZ Temp Directory --> Default: /vz/dump
KVM/Xen Temp Directory --> Default: /tmp
Exclude VPS --> CTRL + Click to select multiple
Then click "update"
If you want to run this now, Login into main node and then run
# /usr/bin/php /usr/local/solusvm/includes/autoftpbackup.php
This will take backup of your vps and stored to the FTP server.
Restoring backups can be done via CLI on the node in question. To start a restore, do the following in SSH:
# /scripts/ftp-restore
When asked, enter the vserver id of the vps you want to restore as shown in SolusVM.
Please note: If the VPS has been removed from SolusVM then you will need to create a New VPS for the client and run the following command:
# /usr/sbin/vzdump --restore /path/to/backup/file NEW-CONTAINER-ID
That's all :)