Some of commonly used openvz commands
VZ Information To list all the running/stopped VPS in the node
vzlist -a
To list all the running VPS in the node
To display the templates present in the server
Creating a VPS To create a VPS with VEID 101 and ostemplate fedora-core-4 with vps.basic configuration
vzctl create 101 --ostemplate fedora-core-4 -.config vps.basic
Deleting a VPS To destroy a VPS with VEID 101
vzctl destroy 101
Configuring VPS (The changes are saved in /etc/vz/conf/<VEID>.conf) To automatically boot when a node is up
vzctl set 101 --onboot yes --save
To set hostname
vzctl set 101 --hostname --save
To add an IP address
vzctl set 101 --ipadd --save
To delete an IP address
vzctl set 101 --ipdel --save
To set the name servers
vzctl set 101 --nameserver --save
To set the root password of VPS 101
vzctl set 101 --userpasswd root:password
To set shortname for VPS
vzctl set 101 --name test101 --save
Start/Stop/Restart VPS To start a VPS
vzctl start 101
To start a disabled VPS
vzctl start 101 --force
To stop a VPS
vzctl stop 101
To restart a VPS
vzctl restart 101
To know the status of a VPS
vzctl status 101
To get the details of the VPS like VEID, ClassID, number of processes inside each VPS and the IP addresses of VPS
cat /proc/vz/veinfo
To enter into a VPS 101
vzctl enter 101
To execute a command in VPS 101
vzctl exec 101 command --- replace command with the command you need to execute
vzctl exec 101 df -h
Managing Disk Quotas To assign disk quotas – First limit is soft limit, second limit is hard limit
vzctl set 101 --diskspace 10485760 --save ==>> for setting 10GB
vzctl set 101 --diskspace 1048576 --save ==>> for setting 1GB
To assign disk inodes
vzctl set 101 --diskinodes 90000:91000 --save
To check the disk quota of a VPS
vzquota stat 101 -t
Managing CPU quota To display the available CPU power
To set the number of CPUs available to a VPS
vzctl set 101 --cpus 2 --save
To set the minimum and maximum CPU limits
vzctl set 101 --cpuunits nnnn --cpulimit nn --save
(cpuunits is a an absolute number (fraction of power of the node) and cpulimit is taken as percentage)
Managing memory quota To display memory usage
vzmemcheck -v
To set kmem
vzctl set 101 --kmemsize 2211840:2359296 --save
To set privvmpages
vzctl set 101 --privvmpages 2G:2G --save
Other Commands To copy/clone a VPS
vzmlocal -C <source_VEID>:<desitnation_VEID>
To disable a VPS
vzctl set 101 --disabled yes
To enable a VPS
vzctl set 101 --disabled no
To suspend a VPS
vzctl suspend 101
To resume a VPS
vzctl resume 101
To run yum update on a VPS
vzyum 101 -y update
To install a package using yum on VPS
vzyum 101 -y install package
To install a package using rpm on VPS
vzrpm 101 -ivh package
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